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Rental Rates and Rental Prices in Phoenix, AZ

Rental Rates and Rental Prices in Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix has a total population of 1,626,078 and 52.70% of the population own their home. 47.30% of the occupied housing units are renters within the P...

Rental Rates in Simi Valley and Rental Prices

Rental Rates in Simi Valley and Rental Prices

View average rental rates and prices in Simi Valley CA for 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed and all rental size properties.

Rental Rates in Detroit

Rental Rates in Detroit

The average rental rate for all rental properties within Detroit is $987. The rental rates by bedrooms is as follows: a studio is $759, a one bedroom...

Rentals Near Johns Hopkins University

Rentals Near Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University is ranked number 17 in best education schools by US News and World Report.

Rental Properties Near University of Colorado Boulder

Rental Properties Near University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado in Boulder, CO has over 33,000 students of which a vast amount of them live off-campus close to the university.

Privately Owned Homes For Rent

Privately Owned Homes For Rent

The United States has a total population of 325,719,178 and 63.60% of the population own their home. 36.40% of the occupied housing units are renters...

Cheap San Antonio Apartments For Rent

Cheap San Antonio Apartments For Rent

San Antonio is home to many affordable apartments that fall below $800 a month in rent. San Antonio has a total population of 1,511,946 and 54.10% of...

Craigslist Sarasota Rental Data

Craigslist Sarasota Rental Data

Craigslist is by far the most popular classified site in the world. Specifically for rentals, they havesignificantly more renter leads to property man...

Houses for Rent Near Ohio State Campus

Houses for Rent Near Ohio State Campus

The Ohio State University campus currently has over 66,000 students. Many of these students live near or on campus and others commute from home outsid...

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